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APPROVED 5/20/2013
Minutes of Meeting
Town of Monson
Board of Assessors
Monday April 22, 2013
Members Present: Chairman Russell Bressette, Assessors Allan Curtis, Michael Benfield
Members Absent:  
Principal Assessor: Ann P. Murphy
Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 10:03am.

Accept the Minutes:  A motion was made by Michael and seconded by Allan to accept the minutes of March 18, 2013.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • None
The Board was to meet with Russell Cable to discuss his property at 15 Bridge St.  There was a mix up on the time of the meeting that was given to Mr. Cable by the Assessor, and because of that Mr. Cable was not able to attend.  The Board instructed the assessor to contact Mr. Cable and state that they would be happy to meet with him to hear his concerns, but that the abatement has already been acted on and it stands.

The Board voted and approved the following Motor Vehicle Abatements:
  • 2012 Abatements in the amount of $141.35
  • 2013 Abatements in the amount of $3,808.14
There were 4 Real Estate abatement applications that were not acted on and therefore were deemed denied.

The Board reviewed, voted and signed  2 Chapterland 61 application. The Chairman Russell Bressette signed the Certificate for Chapter 61.

The Board reviewed, voted and signed the following Uncollectable taxes:
  • FY2012 – Real Estate in the amount of $10,371.38 (Russell abstained from voting)
  • FY2012 – CPA in the amount of $206.48 (Russell abstained from voting)
  • FY2012 – Motor Vehicle in the amount of $148.75
  • FY2011 – Motor Vehicle in the amount of $131.56
The Board reviewed the correspondence from the MAAO.  All three members filled out the voting cards.

The Board reviewed the correspondence from the MAC, but the date for the event has already passed.

The Board discussed the topic of businesses in the town and if there are any tax incentives available to help keep the businesses from leaving.  The Board instructed the assessor to contact Roy Bishop, our Data Consultant, in regards to this matter.

The Board also requested that the assessor gather the information regarding Tower View LLC and the tax agreement that we are under with them.  They would like this information prior to the next meeting so that they can each review it in order to discuss the situation at the next meeting.

The Board was updated on miscellaneous items.

The next meeting was confirmed for Monday May 20, 2013 at 4:15pm.

ADJOURN:  At 10:42am, a motion was made by Allan and seconded by Michael to adjourn.  The motion passed unanimously.